Gopnik distinguishes magical ability to direct action. For him there is no difference between things like think about how to break up, for example, his face an unpleasant and break that person. He did not They reflect. While the thinking man puts in order his complex inner world, finding out relations and causal relations, Gopnik manages to put many, many blows to the body is lying. Aesthetics of direct action can not but admire, because this approach carries the seed of perfect innocence, the existence of. ... Vladimir Semenovich sang his song about urle for the ... In FIG urle such songs do not need. Urla much of the rhythmic nature of his.
... Districts large and small cities of the great country it is not an enclosure - they are his jungle. A world full of cruelty and violence, not the artistic and theatrical, and vzapravdashnim and everyday. The world at times charming and goofy, and often to an irrational fear. Still lacking a dagger dashing freedom which was played in ancient folklore of curly forelock. '.
Gopnik - the last males on Earth who can wear leather gangster caps of the 1920s in style - all the others in such caps are similar except for queers of drama school, rehearsing some musical.
Gopnik raprostranyayut mistaken belief that a person male = Gopnik, that is fundamentally not true, but this item is missing many of the larvae of a person and find imitation gopnika element formation applicable yourself as a person of your gender.
And of course it is clear that the steep Gopnik are only weak, and beat them mostly only weak or five of one person. No one, even the most daring, Gopnik will not dare to fill ebalo a stronger person, such as boxer. But why? . It is much easier to hit those who can not answer you, than go with their bare hands to bear. It is much easier to blame the shortcomings and mistakes of others rather than look for problems in themselves. Is not it?.
So, you - zadrot, and that with all that you do? .
Finally, examination of the official socio-humanitarian.
Social group, ... They are characterized by low levels of education, intellectual and cultural levels, the limitations and poverty of language, the most simple and accessible forms of leisure time (disco, drinking, sex, drugs ). The distinguishing features of clothes - track suits, cap, shoes (all - cheap, mostly of Chinese origin ).
According to recent studies Gopnik is a sect ( destructive cults ) to brainwashing with beer and cigarettes. The sect is very common in Russia, so that is not perceived as a sect.
In connection with the renaming of the police to the police, Gopnik will automatically be referred to all employees City Police Department (formerly Goma).
Understand this is not too difficult. Just remember that every ninth inhabitant of Russia has ever been in places not so far (That's a bit of statistics on prisons ). Now, do think about what ... In conjunction with the general criminal atmosphere outskirts of cities - and creates a fertile ground for new and new generations of hereditary punks and criminals. In general, it is worth remembering that when the Soviet Union, and even a little earlier, the growth of cities is largely due to strengthening of the working class in the industrialization. Moreover, if in Western Europe, this is the class of slowly formed mainly of very brainy and rukastyh artisans, here they were peasants, everything except the plowing is not capable of.
When somewhere in the second half of the '80s there was a freedom, and the whole system of small factory, and all that should be attached (aka economy of the USSR) was covered by a copper basin, livestock care, and not had time to reach even a small evolution of . The result is obvious.
According nebydla, helps increase a lot gopoty zomboyaschik, which show the ... Some truth in this is - one of peredachek Pimanova shown in the above OPG Coppola film was used for training ...
Gopnik in their modern form, with a speech on the manner of thieves, thieves desire for the spread of the concept a little more than elsewhere, charges, ... If you previously received silence pussy, well, most - after ... Come in large numbers to the influx of media Ebony such a wonderful culture of wealth push young people Default City and surrounding land were simply unprepared, despite the fact that the parents (maximum grandparents ) come in large numbers from the latest Ebony even more profound.
Of course, Capcom. The presence of this device in 50 % of cases means that before you a representative of this social stratum (the other 50% share of the village workers and visitors from the southern republics ). In recent years, this device is used much less frequently. In Siberia and the Far East in the winter, spotted fur seals from the Capcom and hats of the ... This cap gives an average of 30 cold resistance, 20 to reduce the crushing damage and biological weapons, and 20 to chOtkosti an all - hop skills and abilities ( Olso 10 units for growth and, in the opinion of persistent gopnika 25 to sexuality ).
Also very popular hat - condom, sitting at the back of the individual, one Gd knows how it is kept. There is an assumption that the expense of the friction force if sabzh shaven at 0 or so / popular among the people called the ...
Can assemble in groups. And still going, EBA.
Smoke ...
If the ...
The phrases ...
When the conversation is usually every six primitive inserts the word obscene interjections: ... But it also happens. And often the amount of the mat in the proposal exceeds the number of ordinary words.
I, the whore, in the bus going on dick! .
When referring to anyone, regardless of social class or age, very often use a simple and crude, ... The same is used for any disturbance or dissatisfaction with a sharp statement against sabzh (...
They call themselves ...
Also, this type is easily recognizable by the flexed ... Also, it is ebalo m. b. in-kind ... According to them IMHO, worse than the better, because of this they will get round all around, and most importantly - it will add respectability in the eyes of their flocks.
Often, when gopah ... Most of the heifers, depending on habitat and season dyed blonde in a Chinese jacket or painted in a bucket of tar brunette in pink / yellow flannel tracksuit with the words on the ass «Love».
As a rule, dressed in a cheap bulk clothing such as ... n. ... Also popular are ... The more different labels and clear words, brands (of course written with a ... Especially extravagant Gopnik looks at Pidorka with the inscription «RICH». In warmer regions during the summer version of the popular ...
As an alternative to the sandals on bare foot in the summer choose the cheapest Chinese steep black or dark blue sandals over socks similar.
Much love for the Black color. Shoes, socks, pants, jogging suits, caps, hats and of course the skin - ideally, black. That is very understandable - the dirt is not visible, the blood is also chotko and cool looks, like the women in the dark as it more difficult to discern. A sort of absolute coolness and style.
Any question (or phrase) will answer you hamish - Che ( rude )!, You Th beguiled?, With what you Ryan?, You Th fraer? . - when suddenly the boys notice something wrong, or accidentally not compromise the true reason for their appeal to Anonymus.
Usually, they sit on their haunches, a sign of closeness to the people of the Gopnik ... Thus, Gopnik evolution are a step below a reasonable person.
In a medium Gopnik fashionable to wear cropped Mobil in hand, constantly listening to it very ugly and very amuzykalnye works of Russian pop - hop in any place where a lot of people who they think will appreciate their toughness. Poor quality sound from a monaural earpiece speaks very shitty mobile phone and complete lack of musical talent from Gopnik, for such pischanie more than 10 minutes to listen to voluntarily not. Gopnik like to settle down in the back seats of buses and sucking pivas include your friends, gopnika klubnyak two - three-year -old, describing him as ... Also, affects the ability to find the worst Gopnik tasteless squeaky songs, written in the local fruit hacked fifth graders, and again to include them in their bus korefanam, then these should begin cervical growths podrygivat in caps, trying to get into the rhythm. Woe to him who will gopnika neighbor on the train, as aforesaid likes to include their half - hop tunes on mobiles ( no longer allows a small phone memory) and listen to them over and over again for several hours. The greater vyzhret pivasika Gopnik, the more meaningful it becomes a mug while listening to. In response to the other passengers ... It is worth noting that in times past and the not so distant for this uncomplicated fun used a tape recorder, ... ... Also, the trains instantly get in packs of 4-5, love to hang around on the first train to last, the whole stinking of fish, beer and prima. At the same time love Gopnik to speak loudly about the ... Dr.. ), Occasionally accompanying his horse neighing loud discussions (say, for there was a drunk nehily smehuechek that caused lyutoe pizdahahane ).
These machines, depending on the region: Markdva / chAyzer (and only in complete sets or Tourer S Tourer V, differing nevebenno turbo engine dvaspolovinoylitra and, indeed, cherished nameplates on the trunk lid ), Nemetsky car, TK, with tinted windows to blackness. The same attributes of the interior of these cars are prisobachennye to dash to the superglue will three-in -one, a cheap Chinese skunk naiposhleyshego design and, of course, suspended from the salon mirror, a piece of rope with a tight- dialed her wooden balls and some other huetoy as a brush . Often the sound of the car club music or Russian rap, though the true ... First of preferences and Eurodance was - at that same time, his fans ozhlobilis and listen to ...
The main product consumed by Gopnik - semki and zhygul. Although, strictly speaking, the Lada is not the most popular model pivasika throughout the country: the whole Ebaltika! ...
During the summer will be equipped Gopnik ... If there is no need to use them, glasses put on his head and can not be removed under any circumstances. Sipovki use glasses as a rim. They like to wear glasses to his forehead, as kokoshnik (cm), than cause an association with chick.
In some regions, welcomed the presence of any normal kid beads and their ability to skillfully twirl and twist. May be replaced with a bunch of keys of the device or its own tenacious, taken from the neck specifically for this activity. Somewhere in the mid-90s instead of chotkih chotok for the same purpose have been used for at least chotkie butterfly knives - now turn the butterfly was not comme il faut. A single number - the rotation of the jig with two fingers, the nature of the action resembles skating snot. Suitable for beginners Gopnik absence of these attributes. Particularly advanced Gopnik can, sitting on the court, at the same time to shit, smoke, drink pivasika, complain to mobile, Elaeagnus grow, destroy Semka and twist beads.
In the last years of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century, the most preferred type of carry-on luggage was (and often still is ) Handy, it is also, oddly enough, ... Wearing a purse desirable under his arm, and put nothing in it is usually because the whitefish, annealing, Mabila, a bag of lava and Semak (if any) is placed in the pockets of jackets and vests. Handy is particularly chic with a combination lock, and the code must be sure of 3 identical digits (mostly 000 or 999). In the absence of a real boy is considered a valid use of the handy plastic bag, folded into a kind of handy that there were no handles and make it easier to carry under the arm. Giving the package an appropriate form and rigidity normally promotes the presence of a magazine last year (preferably small-format ) about cool cars and chicks with siskame. Often these packages are gopari who are studying in schools and putyagah, and inside there is some kind of notebook or something.
Unfortunately, with the help of the text is difficult to describe the manner of laughter gopnika, but it is worth noting his identity, since laughter is another hallmark of chotkih kids. Simplistic manner of their laughter scientific term describes the ... Laughter can cause only primitive jokes, jokes, and stories podebki the heroic adventures of one of the homies. Gopnik carefully avoid the use of sarcasm, because it is too difficult to understand.
Dance gopnika is a repetitive motion, which he repeats the same sequence, changing only their speed (depending on the rate and amount of alcohol consumed ). In doubles Gopnik dance partner carefully demonstrates its commitment to the act of copulation, and tries to start the foreplay right in the dance. In short, the act clearly and directly. In case of refusal Gopnik retreats to the other boys and under their laughter explains why he did not like the calf, using mostly terms such as ... Dr..
Elegant description of a typical gopnika represented in the song ...
Since gopota is directly related to the animal world, for even a small gopnika animal ( cat, mouse) can be a serious competitor. And so often hold the animals for the disassembly of the concepts ...
In different parts of our great country there are different ways of naming these individuals:.
Gopobaby - female representatives in the ranks of the ... Name these things can be found in all corners of Russia Square. Gopotelki wear patent-leather boots deshmanskie, pritarennye on the market around the corner, cheap perfume, from which suffocates the bus at rush hour; sotochka (with all the hanging huergoy - optional ), a pack of cigarettes Babskii (...
Also known as sockets or females gopnika. The name ...
I have something to do with Anya was talking on the phone and she reminded me of a kid. wow, I just did not fall from happiness! I did it completely forgot! this kid with the gray sha friends. they have three friends: the boy, Sasha Grey and Gursky. so here goes: This kid, I love him, he was funny, he is so cool. once I was with Anna Pearl at the school. and there he stood with his class, and in short, when he saw me he made a cool move, I do not know how it finally can say, well, something like he was pulling his pelvis. finally can, if properly speaking, it is rotated pelvis. but it was not spinning, it is such a jerky -like motion of the pelvis. and here he was standing there, and Pine ( Pine and then Anya liked a lot) and even all the guys in his class and here I am with Anya are going and so I was a kid that I saw and how razdergalsya his pelvis! Toe Capacity, he pretended that tpahaet me! . and we smiled with Anya. in short, he is a cool dude. I love him. it was especially nice to remember these days.
Sipovki - ( give in the ass, that is no longer a ... Gopotelku also called ... Also, in the harsh Siberian is even so.

Bosyachki - a more serious claim than sipovka: nakolochki and other paraphernalia;.
Last - a synonym for the word ... The word can be heard in the Sakhalin region. In other regions were not observed. The origin can be explained by the fact that representatives of this type of shoe are flattened (the bear come ). This word has a different word forms in different parts of speech. For example, the verb ... Modification of the words: ... Well, actually because of his shoes pinnipeds. Another version of the word is borrowed from the slang pindosskogo. In short it is called LAST roadside whores and drug addicts;.
Postural - a term used in the Trans-Baikal region to refer to wealthy Gopnik. Comes from the name of cheap eating houses ... Cognition Gopnik is so wealthy that they can not spend time on his haunches at the entrances, and on the calf in the postural - catering. Pun, but in a different way does not explain.
Walnut - as a synonym for the word ... The word is used in the same regions as the ... Sometimes, as the name of the bottle ...
Gribaa - this term was at one time very popular in Omsk and around. His appearance is obliged to the notorious ... In Omsk Gribanov often called, and is now called, Gopnik is not in caps, and representatives of emo, hippie, and other such funny dressed people. The main attribute is Gribaa long hair under a penalty, or mane, especially the mushroom type of weave gives. The origin is likely for the reason that the fungus - and Gribaa hat - a hat = hair.
Pistachio - not so long ago formed the definition of the word ... In this case describes a separate subgroup in which Gopnik fall on the head with a plastic cap - Pidorka, stuck to the entire head, except for the active protruding from under her ears. This class is actively manifests itself with the onset of cold weather. This idea originated from the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, and SEAD.
Lbun ( Lobar ) - the name derives from the manner of wearing hats in the autumn- winter period. The headpiece is moved to the back of his head because of what the bare forehead. If you go with a friend ( friend ), and within sight of detected cluster Gopnik and attract their attention is not desirable, it is customary to quietly bring your right hand to his forehead, his thumb parallel to the ground and pointing upwards, symbolizing the Latin «L», which means ... Which once again clearly reflects the difference between the GSR and Fenya. Lobar or a hair dryer on Lobovikov - gambler highest qualification.
North - cinonim to Gopnik in the Komi. Different except that the total degradation that is poch0tnym Komi, and the ability to shoot the women (also gopnits ). During the term ...
Snowdrop - the name was common in Krasnoyarsk, it is associated with the advent of spring in the streets of large masses of gopoty coinciding with ottayaniem shit out of the snow and other non-kosher junk that had accumulated over the winter (generally called the cops because of drug addicts, who took overdose in the winter and with snow in the spring of .
Uebok - as a synonym for the word ... It occurs on the territory of Russia as a brief description of these individuals. This term is a collective, vernacular character and very briefly and concisely describes the degree of intellectual development, representatives of this type of.
Ushlepok - the same as the previous. Used, for example, in Moscow.
The passenger - a victim, ... The man, whose rent / shod / can fight zvezdyuley. The person noted, ... This term is used in a residential area of Ufa (not Chernikovka ), the so-called ... Also, the term commonly consumed among Russian heroin addicts ( who are often themselves Gopnik ). He means a person who does not know baryg and appealed for help in acquiring a more experienced companions, who for his services to take a predetermined (or, as it will ), part of the goods.
Goons, Urla, suckers, punks, louts. - Sobsna synonyms ...
Have patience - as in the previous paragraph. Used in the Eagle (the last two terms just upotreblyutsya and Kiev, and Ukraine. And in Russia, everywhere, just look at any zomboyaschik Cop series (generally because the cops are called victims).
Rogue - an appeal to the environment Gopnik held on the steps of the hierarchy above, there already had experience of his release in the MLS and sitting correctly. That is not particularly distinguished, but not borzeli under shkonkoy did not stick out, because on the outside and Ponte added. Cautious, because experience with police officers / prosecutors / courts / his release was therefore just not going to attack will trigger based on the knowledge gained in the MLS to goof the first to start a conflict and would then lie to police about what he Loch . In intoxicated tower breaks at times, aggression and hatred becomes at times more, so can easily be put to use a knife. Constraints of time is less, for the age (time out), dominated by an inferiority complex, so most of these individuals gets back to the much more time, has done irreparable.
Nail - a synonym for ...
Tractor - Gopnik. The appearance of the spring wearing frayed Gopnik leather jacket or sweatshirts, sweat pants, caked mud of spring shoes, and crowning all this splendor is very similar to Capcom kind of drunken farm tractor from the last century.
The young - the young, or just a little Gopnik, is used as a six to go into a stall for Semko, and cigami pivasom, as well as for doeba like ... Usually gets pussy on a tall fellow.
In view of the inherent curiosity of many animals, like Gopnik ask questions, but, due to the limited range of interests, these questions usually boil down to the primitive sound combinations that mimics human speech.
The basis of the lexicon gopnika just still consists of slang.
One of the most popular entertainment Gopnik is ... It is so pleasant and exciting pastime that some ... At the present time, with almost drank slot machines, Gopnik discovered poker. And 95% of the audience this game up supermegaintellektualnoy they.
Chocks are building for the Gopnik and goons of various bars, cafes and restaurants. If Gopnik peffko drinks in a cheap bar, it is important not to remove bottles from drinking from the table, so that the rest of the real guys, sitting at other tables, or calling, have seen the amount of alcohol consumed by the add or Gopnik.
Of course, except for bars and restaurants, a representative regularly attends gopoty nightclubs. As a rule, Gopnik, the term ... Clubs are listed completely all sorts, from the obrygannogo stuffed with local obebosami cellar on the outskirts of pathos to the institution with a face- control and VIP - zone - are not changed, only the price ceiling. When money is no flyer at the entrance, and zabuhat podrygatsya and still hunting, an impromptu club settles on the street, where the role of the DJ console performs radio toned ... Often, for want of a car radio is replaced with a simple mobile phone with a torn off at the maximum sound.
The most popular sport among gopoty is litrbol. As a rule it is an individual game where the winner is the one who later all of the lower multicellular becomes lower unicellular. Usually matches litrbolu end rite ... By the way, litrbol love to play not only Gopnik, but 95% of the students, technicians, because of the greater commitment and increased GMCH past reach in this exciting sport, the title stands without becoming alkonavtami.
... n. ) ... Reflected in the fact that the police of this country calls ... n.
All of the above applies mostly to young redneck than a minor dunce, located at one stage in the transformation of an ordinary gopnika ( the so-called larval stages). Money on alcohol and substance they do not, in bars and discos are not allowed, heifers not yet given, because of pimples and small MPH; rob a passerby for the extraction of dough, they are unable to due to poor physical and mental training as well as fear of deserved . All that is left for them - ...
Quintessence of the behavior of these stupid ass best reflects below kopipasta ( even allowing for its antiquity ):.
Patsansky code of conduct on the roads.
Recently, the company found itself in a small, who are on duty to spend time with the cattle - polubanditami. He claimed that those on the road 50%. And they go to their notions, it is necessary to take note and respond as necessary evil. Here's what he explained to....
a. Small cars - shame. But! . Jeep in any condition ( rusty ...
2. Korean cars - zapadlo. ... For in the German car thieves and go on kraynyak, men, and lowered manager ( avtomatrehi ) - no.
Beneath one's dignity as ... Not zapadlo VAZ- s of the 8th and 9th series, in contrast to the classic ( and the fish is hachi ) and 10 -c (the worst suit managerov, managery, dropped to dalnyake ).
By definition, as all French cars zapadlo. ... Machine - should not be beneath one's dignity is offended by. This has been their share of.
3. Turning can be used in exceptional cases, demonstrating a profound respect, for example, the black, ... In other cases - humiliating because anticipating the maneuver, say, French or, even worse, the Korean car, you can not help her recognize her equality, and as a result of zapomoivaeshsya.
4. Pruning lowered tachily, embroidering, you demonstriruesh social behavior type of ritual sexual abuse of weaker members avtostai, emphasizing its dominant role. The top of the ritual punishment - eviction from the left terpily series on the ring kolkhoz xenon.
5. By the woman behind the wheel should be treated with arrogance and contempt tired as a dog crossing the road. However zashibat and ...
The exception is women, especially blondes, driving a black ...
They should therefore be respected, though not necessarily to show respect. Same humiliation, the signals turn signals, at a meeting with a woman should not in any way!.
Gopnik in the army and police.

Gopnik Army quickly found physically or mentally weak ( or both ) and begins to ...
Provokes in the theft of parts. Merged, creating a whole mafia, who are pushing to the left everything - from crackers to the mortar.
Authority - a crude physical force or the virtuosity with knives like a disposable razor blade.
Violation of the statute - a sort of cult.
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